To celebrate International Play Therapy Week, the members of the Association for Play Therapy Italy (APTI) invite you to their therapy spaces in multiple cities across Italy.
Download the PDF of the programme and choose the ideal date for your visit to the playroom closest to you. Further initiatives will be communicated via official channels as well as a selection of images will be shared via social platforms and in the next issue of APTI Play Therapy magazine (Rivista di Play Therapy)!
The events held during the week are free of charge, last approximately 2 hours, include a presentation of the APTI, the Play Therapy sector and the therapy spaces, and a moment of playful involvement of the participants at the discretion of the APTI members, professionals with training in Play Therapy from approved providers.
APTI is a board member of the IC-PTA. Visit the website associazioneplaytherapy.it.