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Application for Individual Members (50 CHF per year) and Organizational Members (100 CHF per year) can be made at any time by PayPal or credit card (note: you can pay by credit card using the PayPal link even if you do not have a PayPal account). For any difficulties with payment, please contact us.


Special 50% Discount: If you are already a member of one of the IC-PTA Operating Members, you are entitled to a 50% discount on the Individual Member annual fee! (Note: OMs also include Board Members).


Operating Members may join the IC-PTA only by invitation of the Board of Directors. Annual fee payment can be made by bank transfer using the details below (*).


The IC-PTA also accepts donations via PayPal, credit card or bank transfer.


(*) Owner of the account: International Consortium of Play Therapy Associations
Address: Via General Guisan 2, 6962 Lugano, Switzerland

Bank name: PostFinance SA
Bank address: Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern, Switzerland
IBAN: CH51 0900 0000 1660 0551 3


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Membership of the IC-PTA comprises five categories. The Board of Directors may deliberate on the admission of members without obligation to state reasons. From the Bylaw, Art. 5 - Types of Membership (read the Bylaw):


1. Founding Members (without voting rights): Individual persons who signed the IC-PTA’s Constitutive Act, and those who subsequently and with the unquestionable and unappealable resolution of the Board of Directors will be admitted with this qualification in relation to their effective work in favor of it. Founding members may attend board meeting in a non-voting capacity in acknowledgment the IC-PTA history.

2. Operating Members (with voting rights): The legal entities (“persona giuridica”) who are non-profit, member-driven National Play Therapy Associations (NPTA) and who adhere to this bylaw, provide free and/or remunerated services according to the methods established by the Board of Directors and pay the annual social contribution. The Board of Directors deliberates on the admission of Operating Members to the IC-PTA without obligation to state reasons. The Operating Members include the Board of Directors for which the conditions regarding reimbursements and services equally apply (see Art. 9).

3. Honorary Members (without voting rights): The Board of Directors may grant honorary membership to the legal entities and individual persons that have acquired particular merits for their work in favor of the IC-PTA or who are unable to be an effective part of it by express regulatory prohibition. Honorary Members may be invited to attend board meetings in a non-voting advisory capacity.

4. Individual Members (without voting rights): Individual persons (“persona fisica”) who shares the aims of the IC-PTA by contributing to its activity for free and by paying the annual social contribution and any other donations, including in kind, become an Individual Member. Individual Members may serve on Task Forces.

5. Organizational Members (without voting rights): The legal entities (“persona giuridica”) who share the aims of the IC-PTA by contributing to its activity for free and by paying the annual social contribution and any other donations, including in kind, become an Organizational Member.


The International Consortium of Play Therapy Associations IC-PTA is a transglobal network of legal entities founded in 2022 in Switzerland that promotes, supports, and strengthens the integrity and quality of professional Play Therapy practice worldwide. Our vision is a world where every child and family has access to quality, professional Play Therapy services.

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© 2025 by International Consortium of Play Therapy Associations

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